Making Jesus known to everyone, everywhere

We are excited to be taking our youth to this year’s Limitless Festival this August, however we don’t want cost to be the reason to stop anyone from going.

Did you know that while the church is asking each youth to pay £120 towards their place, when you factor in the cost of transport, food and equipment, the total cost for every place is over twice that?!

Over the coming weeks and months the youth will be fundraising the estimated £4,000 shortfall. But would you also consider donating towards this fund, or even sponsor someone’s place?

If this is something you feel you could help with, you can give in the following ways:

Give By Bank Transfer

If you would like donate by bank transfer, you can do so directly with your bank – please add a reference of ‘Limitless Fund’. For details of All Nations’ bank account details, please download our information sheet by clicking this link.

Give In Person

If you would like to give by cash or cheque, please put your donation in an envelope marked ‘Limitless Fund’ and place it in our offering during our weekly Sunday services.

Thank you!