Making Jesus known to everyone, everywhere
Light Your Eyes My Child

Lift Your Eyes My Child – Thought For The Week

This week our thought for the week is a poem written by Liz Cooper, entitled Lift Your Eyes My Child.

Lift your eyes My child,
To see the beauty of My creation,
Lift your eyes My child,
To see the joy of your salvation,
You will see so much more if your gaze is uplifted,
Than if it is pavement bound,
Looking down you will only see the dust and rubbish,
You will miss so much,
Expand your view, take in the full panorama,
You will be amazed what you see when you do,
You will be so blessed by what you will understand if you do,
My glory is written in the skies,
Majestic trees, wave leafy boughs,
Reminding you of My faithfulness,
My power is vibrating through nature and all around you,
Look beyond yourself and your circumstances,
There is a whole wide world waiting out there to fill you with wonder anew,
There is so much to rejoice in,
So much to celebrate and delight in,
Lift your eyes and see Me,
Lift your face to absorb the warmth of My sunlight,
Let your spirits be lifted by the hope that will flood your heart,
Lift your eyes My child,
I want you to see Me.

Every week one of our members shares a short thought aiming to inspire you for the week. You can watch previous Thought For The Week videos by clicking here.