Making Jesus known to everyone, everywhere
Billy Fenning Dig Deeper

Dig Deeper – Thought For The Week

Billy shares his thought for the week; dig deeper.

This will probably be my last thought for the week as one of your leaders here at All Nations. I’m looking more and more in the rearview mirror, looking back to God’s provision over many many years. In fact, 39 years last month we celebrated being here in Reading, when Amelia and I and Mark arrived in 1985, we didn’t think for one moment that God would keep us here in one place. However, here we are, we’re still standing!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, particularly those of you who were there at the beginning when we first arrived in Reading all those years ago, for your service and your faithfulness as you have walked with me on this journey of faith. Yes, we’ve had our ups and downs, as any church would have, but God has been faithful.

A verse in God’s Word comes to mind,

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.

Psalm 23:6

And as I look to retirement in December, as Amelia and I will be moving away to Wantage, I just give God thanks for all his provision and all his grace toward us. Because surely I have seen God’s goodness and God’s mercy every day chasing me and making provision. In fact, when I look at the beginning of my call, when I became a Christian as a 17-year-old, I didn’t tick all the boxes to be a leader. In fact, far from it! However, God calls and God enables. As I look back over the years and see how God enabled me to fulfil the ministry that he called me to.

So we give God thanks for all these years here in Reading. We give thanks to God for his faithfulness. Surely goodness and mercy will follow us. One thing is pivotal in my life, and I hope will be pivotal in your life too, that you are what you are by the grace of God. I look at my own life and see, yes, I couldn’t have done that only for the strength of God.

A verse that in my early days of conversion, God reminded me;

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

When I look back, I can see God’s hand strengthening me through all situations in the valleys and on the mountains. God has been there. It has been the Word of God that has sustained me in moments where I could so easily have given up. And I don’t want you to give up on your calling because all of us are called by God. I want you to not limit yourself to what God wants you to do. Don’t go for half-measures. Don’t settle for the water up to your ankles. Go on. Go on in God. Go further. Dig deeper. Go into those waters where you can swim in rivers of pleasure.

I would not change one bit of my life over these years because I have enjoyed being in the thrust of leadership, enjoying being in the thrust of God’s blessing. So may the Lord bless you here at All Nations. Thank God for Pastor Keith and Barbie who have come along. I believe that the church is in for greater things. We have led good foundations for greater things to come. God bless you.

Every week one of our members shares a short thought aiming to inspire you for the week. You can watch previous Thought For The Week videos by clicking here.