Bina shares her thought for the week – sharing the best gift at Christmas.
Now God often does some pretty unexpected things and one of those things in the Christmas story was using some pretty unexpected people. In Luke 2 verse 20, it shows how the shepherds witnessed one of the best and most important birth announcements in the history of mankind. They were the first people recorded in the Bible to have heard the news about Jesus’ birth. And in Luke 2 verse 20, it says:
the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they have heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
Luke 2:20
Now at the time, the shepherds were by no means seen as the most respected or trustworthy people in society. And at times we might feel as inadequate when sharing about the message of Jesus, but God doesn’t work and operate in worldly standards.
We are right in the thick of the festive season and Christmas is normally a time to share with family, to eat a meal together and to exchange gifts between people that we care about. But it’s important not to forget the word of our testimony and sharing that. Picture this, you received a golden ticket to spend an evening with some of the most famous, respected and loved people, a room full of stars, and you get to work or to school the next day and you can’t wait to share with a colleague who you saw, who was nice, who you took pictures with. Now, whether they believe it or not or why they chose you is up to them, but the news is too good for you to keep it in. You might not feel like the most important person in the room, but we all share a message, a personal message of the most reputed person in any room. And I believe that that is what God wanted to share or wanted us to see when shining a light on the shepherds. God does not overlook anyone in carrying out his message.
So while you’re prepping for a wonderful Christmas, don’t forget to glorify and praise God for all the things that you have heard and seen, because that might just be what somebody needs to hear this Christmas.
Every week one of our members shares a short thought aiming to inspire you for the week. You can watch previous Thought For The Week videos by clicking here.