Vicki shares her thought for the week – be amazed by Him!
Vicki shares her thought for the week – be amazed by Him!
Jon Williams shares his thought for the week, asking the question what is worship?
Billy Fenning shares his thought for the week – Lord do it again:
Rana Kundi brings a special thought for the week from Sydney looking at the life of Frank Jenner, an Australian evangelist:
Jon WIlliams shares his thought for the week – raising young leaders.
Billy Fenning shares his thought for the week – the unchangeable Christ:
Rana Kundi shares his thought for the week – to be an encourager.
Jon Williams shares his thought for the week, that God cares about the small things too!
Billy Fenning shares his thought for the week – that we are resurrection people living in a Good Friday world
Rana Kundi shares his thought for the week and we come to the end of our Spring Clean Challenge: The challenge this week is to ask ourselves whether there is unforgiveness in our hearts? Are we holding onto past hurts? Do we need to seek forgiveness from others?