Making Jesus known to everyone, everywhere

Past Events (Page 13)

Re-Connection Supper

Men’s Re-Connection Supper – Cancelled

Following the small success of the St George’s Day Re-Connection Supper and Pastor Billy’s recent exhortations about meeting together and returning to church in a Covid safe manner, we are planning to “go bigger” for the May 2021 Men’s Event.

The Hub

The Hub

Following our online service, join us at The Hub we can gather together online to pray and share.

Easter 2021

Easter Sunday Service – 9am

We invite you to join us in person or online as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at our 9am Easter Sunday Service!

Prayer Season

Prayer Meeting

We are gathering together online for a week of prayer every weekday, 7am-8am and 7pm-8pm.

Prayer Season

Prayer Meeting

We are gathering together online for a week of prayer every weekday, 7am-8am and 7pm-8pm