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George Don't Allow Your Vision To Be Hindered

Don’t Allow Your Vision To Be Hindered – Thought For The Week

George shares his thought for the week; don’t allow your vision to be hindered.

Today I find myself in central London and I’m standing with the House of the Parliament behind me, Vauxhall Bridge in front of me and there’s lots going on here. There’s lots of traffic, lots of noise, lots of people passing, people on bicycles, traffic making noise, lots of things which are obscuring my vision, obstructing my view today. I’ve got a full diary of commitments that is playing on my mind.

Now contrast that to where I was blessed to be last week. I was stood on a beach under a cloudless sky with a clear view over the sea to the horizon and just on the horizon, I was able to pick out a few miles out from the beach, a boat or a ship that was just sailing by had a very clear and unrestricted view. And it reminded me of what the Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians chapter 5, that when we come to Christ, Christ takes away everything that burdens us, everything that ties us down, everything which distracts us, everything which takes our eyes off the prize of Him.

When I read later on in the chapter he chides the Galatians, he said look you were doing well, what’s hindered you? What’s hindered your vision? What’s got in the way of your relationship with Jesus? And if we throw ourselves back into the book of Proverbs chapter 4, there we read that we must ensure that we keep our gaze and vision pure and straight and we shouldn’t allow it to be encumbered and obscured. We should make sure that we have an absolutely clear view of God’s plans for us and for our lives.

Now of course life happens, stuff happens, and things get in the way. But let’s make a conscious effort this week to make sure that despite the hustle and the bustle and the noise and the commitments that we have on, a daily basis that we can’t avoid, we keep our eyes fully focused on God, a clear vision of Jesus, a clear view of His thoughts and His plan for our life. What’s hindering your vision today? Don’t let anything get in the way of your clear view of Jesus. Have a good week.

Every week one of our members shares a short thought aiming to inspire you for the week. You can watch previous Thought For The Week videos by clicking here.