Kit shares his thought for the week; embracing generosity.
Last Friday we enjoyed spending time celebrating Billy’s ministry. One thing that consistently came up was Billy’s generosity with the church’s money and ultimately that is down to the church’s generosity.
I just wanted to encourage the church just to keep giving what we have. I was reminded of the passage from Luke where the old widow gave just two small coins, but Jesus says that she gave more than anyone else because instead of giving a tiny part of her surplus, she gave everything that she had.
We know that tithing is an integral part of our Christian lives but giving generously and giving freely is something to be very proud of in our church and specifically to hear some of the people from Elim’s National Leadership Team praise Billy and the church for their giving, particularly for overseas missions.
So I just want to encourage you to keep giving freely, giving more and more and more whatever God leaves your heart on.
Thank you, Lord, that we’re able to give freely, that we’re able to give to honour and worship you. Lord, I thank you that we’re such a giving church and it’s having a big impact across the world for your kingdom. I pray that you keep encouraging us to give in abundance and Lord I just pray that the church and everyone that this reaches has a blessed rest of the week. In Jesus name, Amen.