George Dunn shares his thought for the week; that when it feels like everything has changed, God hasn’t changed.
George Dunn shares his thought for the week; that when it feels like everything has changed, God hasn’t changed.
we take a look at the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing the fiery furnace and reflect on how we can make our faith bigger than our fear.
Watch a replay of our online service from Sunday 19th April 2020.
What if Mary and the disciples had mobile phones on Easter Sunday morning? Watch our short animation shown on Easter Sunday again here.
Jon Williams shares his thought for the week; the same God.
Watch a replay of our online Easter Sunday service on the 12th April 2020.
Watch a replay of our online Good Friday service on the 10th April 2020.
Billy Fenning shares his thought for the week; how to survive the storm.
Watch a replay of our online service from Sunday 5th April 2020
Download our Calendar of Hope for April, that contains daily actions to help us fix our eyes on Jesus.