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Aaron looks at how we can have walls in our lives. But as God broke down the walls of Jericho to lead the people of Israel into the plans he had for them, we too can see God intervene in the strongholds that stop us and see him breaking down the walls.
At our annual Insight Meeting, Billy Fenning and Keith Jackson speak on how God is doing a new thing at All Nations.
Billy Fenning looks at the life of Daniel, a man of integrity and challenges us to reflect on whether there is integrity in our own walk with God, in our relationship with others and in the way that we live.
Have you ever wondered why God is taking His time with you? Why does He take so long to answer Keith Jackson speaks on how we can learn from the prophet Habakkuk and keep praying when times are tough.
Looking at the life of David in 2 Samuel, David Campbell speaks on how if you want to be a successful Christian that it’s your character, your anointing that decides where you’re going in life.
As we start a New Year God wants you to be fruitful, but we need to understand our identity and destiny. Billy Fenning asks what is my purpose in life?
From Luke 2:1-20, Debbie Schofield looks at five surprising things about the Christmas story and how Jesus is God’s gift for everyone.
Jesus, the humble Prince of Peace, wasn’t born in royal robes but in a manger. Looking at Philippians 2 verses 1 to 11, Rachel Tofts speaks on how humility in Christ is knowing who you are through God’s word, through the Holy Spirit and acting on that truth in faith.
Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, God spoke over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled through His birth, His life, death and resurrection. Milly Bright looks briefly at four of these and what they tell us about the nature of God and why Jesus came to earth.
Billy Fenning speaks on how the sabbath is God’s gift to us and despite the business of life, we need to delight in God’s rest.