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At our monthly all-age service, One Big Church, we conclude our Lost series by looking at the Parable Of The Lost Son. Bina Makgwana and Debbie Schofield speak on how through Jesus, we can all return to God.
Have you ever been through a season in your life where you don’t have all the answers you are facing leading you to ask the ‘Why Lord?’ question?
What is the ‘living hope’ that Peter writes about in 1 Peter 1:3? Can we hope in God? Can we trust God even in our brokenness? Billy Fenning speaks on our living hope in a messy world.
At our monthly all-age service, One Big Church, Debbie Schofield speaks on how limitless our God is and how through him and with him we are limitless too!
Rana Kundi encourages us from Paul’s words in Philippians 3:10-16 to take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of you.
Bina Makgwana and Tibebu Berhanu explore the seven I Ams of Jesus.
Speaking from Ezekiel 47:1-5, Robin Fenner, pastor of Micklefield Elim Church in High Wycombe, encourages us to go deeper in our walk with God. Let’s go swimming with God!
Continuing on from Rachel Tofts’ talk, Milly Bright speaks on how we are carriers of His presence and the authority of God, so that we can release it to those around us.
Knock knock. Who’s There? In the Bible, Jesus spoke a lot about doors; opening, knocking, and closing doors. Rachel Tofts examines what we can learn from Revelation 3:20-22.
In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus tells us that we all have a journey to take of which there are only two destinations; destruction and life. With this in mind, George Dunn asks are we progressing on this journey?