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Billy Fenning examines Psalm 13, a song of distress and discovery, which gives us good advice for the dark season of the soul.
Sometimes we pray in a self-centred way, not knowing the way of God. Drawing on Paul’s words from Ephesians, Billy Fenning speaks on the importance of praying in the Spirit.
Miselo Kangwa explores how the example of Nehemiah helps us in building spiritual endurance when things get tough.
Looking at Genesis 2, Bina Makgwana speaks on how God works when you rest.
At our monthly all-age service, One Big Church, Rachel Tofts looks at the Parable Of The Lost Coin and how you are valuable to God.
Tibebu Berhanu speaks on how there is healing in the New Testament through Jesus Christ.
Rana Kundi concludes his sermon mini-series on being with and becoming more like Jesus.
At our 2022 Ladies Conference “Chosen” Tarn Bright speaks on being chosen and precious.
At our 2022 Ladies Conference “Chosen” Velveta Thompson speaks on how we are daughters of destiny.
For some who have not had a good father, the image of God as Father may sound confusing, but on Father’s Day, Billy Fenning looks at how much God loves us and how God is our good good father.