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Rana Kundi continues our series on the Names of God by looking at Jehovah Rapha – the Lord our healer from Exodus 15:22-26.
Milly Bright speaks on how God has a plan too for the lives of each and every one of our children, our grandchildren, our nieces and nephews, our youth; and all of those plans are good!
Looking at Exodus 16, George Dunn continues our series on the Names of God by looking at Jehovah-Nissi – the Lord our banner.
Billy Fenning continues our Names Of God series looking at Jehovah-Jireh. Through the account of Abraham’s testing, found in Genesis 22, Billy shares how God sees beforehand to provide for us.
At One Big Church, our monthly all-age service, Rachel speaks on how no matter what age you are or what education you’ve had, God’s wisdom is for everyone!
What kind of church does God want? Billy Fenning speaks about the kind of church that God wants; a working church, a worshipping church, a church of courage; a church without walls.
Continuing our series on the names of God, Rana Kundi speaks on Jehovah-Rohi; the Lord is my shepherd looking at Psalm 23.
Rana Kundi looks at a biblical theology of love and sex.
Looking at the story of Esther, Bina Makgwana speaks on being crowned with a servant heart.
During our monthly all-age service, One Big Church, we we looked at three names of God in the Bible; Jehovah Raah, Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Shammah and what they mean to us today.