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Jon Williams explores Psalms 23 looking at how despite the current global circumstances we find ourselves in, God is still in control.
Billy Fenning looks at the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Rana Kundi speaks on a sensitive topic that affects us all; mental health.
In a world full of distractions and love affairs with our mobile phones, Billy Fenning speaks on how not to get distracted from our destiny in God.
Looking at Numbers 23:18-20, Miselo Kangwa speaks on The Steadfast Character of God.
Becky Kundi looks at the story of when Aaron and Hur supported Moses in order to defeat the Amalekites.
Billy Fenning looks at John’s reminder in 1 John 4:17 of our mission as a church.
Rana Kundi concludes our Frontline Sunday series, looking at the theme of ‘Together We Grow’.
Billy Fenning continues our Frontline Sundays series. Whoever we are, however insignificant we feel, we make all the difference in the world.
Jon Williams looks at the story in Matthew 14, when Peter takes a step of faith and keeps his eyes focused on Jesus.