At our 2022 Ladies Conference “Chosen” Velveta Thompson speaks on how we are daughters of destiny.
At our 2022 Ladies Conference “Chosen” Velveta Thompson speaks on how we are daughters of destiny.
Amanuel Andarge and Rachel Tofts continue our series examining at the names of God found in the Bible. This week we look at Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness.
James Glass, pastor of Glasgow Elim Church, looks at what to do when you’re stuck in a place where you don’t want to be.
As we enter a new decade, Rana Kundi examines the famous Bible text found in Jeremiah 29:10-14.
God expects us to be fruitful and not in a state of barrenness. Barrenness is when we don’t see growth, yet God ‘has planted you a noble vine’.
We believe in the universal sinfulness of all men since the Fall, rendering man subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
This is the time of year when we as a church review our purpose and vision. Whilst we look back and thank God for His faithfulness over the past year, we cannot afford to remain there, our past must spur us on to greater things in the future.