In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus tells us that we all have a journey to take of which there are only two destinations; destruction and life. With this in mind, George Dunn asks are we progressing on this journey?
In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus tells us that we all have a journey to take of which there are only two destinations; destruction and life. With this in mind, George Dunn asks are we progressing on this journey?
At the end of our Mega Makers holiday club, Debbie Schofield reflects on the challenge Jesus gives to those who follow him so that more and more people could become followers.
Looking at Matthew 14 when Peter responds to Jesus walking on the water, Jon Williams asks what Peter are you?
What kind of church does God want? Billy Fenning speaks about the kind of church that God wants; a working church, a worshipping church, a church of courage; a church without walls.
Many people think that they can’t find God because of the difficulty they are facing – but often God comes to us disguised in difficulty. Examining Matthew 1:18-24, Billy Fenning looks at when Joseph couldn’t make sense of what was happening, but how God explained everything.
Rana Kundi examines the faith demonstrated by Jesus’ disciple Peter.
Looking at Matthew 14:22-33, Bina Makgwana speaks on how God doesn’t want us to struggle with having misplaced expectations on Him.
Speaking from Matthew 16:19, Rachel reminds us to not forget the keys that allows us to access God’s kingdom.
Looking at Matthew 7:13-14, Amanuel Andarge speaks on the importance of changing lifestyles; how we should strive to change the daily actions we make to change our lifestyles and relationship with God.
We are living in a world of distraction which is robbing us of the ability of being present with ourselves, one another and most importantly God. Looking at Matthew 3:13-4:3, Rana Kundi explores the often overlooked practice of silence and solitude.