Keith Jackson speaks about the gifts that The Magi brought to Jesus after His birth. And while they may seem odd or unwanted gifts to us today, at the time they were highly valued. However, the most important gift is the one that God gave us: Jesus!
Keith Jackson speaks about the gifts that The Magi brought to Jesus after His birth. And while they may seem odd or unwanted gifts to us today, at the time they were highly valued. However, the most important gift is the one that God gave us: Jesus!
Keith Jackson concludes his series on Philippians showing us how we can learn from Paul’s blueprint for living by being a generous church.
Concluding our series on human sexuality, Keith Jackson speaks on what the Bible says and what our response should be towards the LGBT community.
Continuing our series on human sexuality, Keith Jackson speaks on the local church and the LGBTQI+ community.
Keith Jackson speaks at our all-age service on restoration, looking at Peter who followed the crowd in denying Christ but was ultimately restored by Jesus.
How do we live at peace with each other? Continuing his series on Philippians, Keith Jackson looks at how Paul addresses this in three ways: right praying, right, thinking, and right living – the right stuff!
Continuing his series on Philippians, Keith Jackson examines how Paul speaks about his past, present and future and how he has changed under the grace of God, giving him the right perspective.
Keith Jackson continues his series on Philippians, speaking on the joy that comes from sacrificial living.
Continuing his series on Philippians, Keith Jackson speaks on four characteristics of the Christlike attitude for us to emulate and how there is an advantage of holding with an open hand.
Keith Jackson continues his series on Philippians speaking on how we must live a life worthy of the Gospel. Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in…