Making Jesus known to everyone, everywhere
Frontline Sundays

Whatever We Do

Whatever we do – the ‘work’ of our hands, however small and insignificant it may seem – matters to God. It’s part of our worship and how we serve others and bear witness to God. There can be Kingdom significance in our daily tasks and activities, however great or small.

Paul’s letter to the Colossians describes the kind of community God was calling them to be. But he makes clear that this was not inward-focused. Their daily lives were to be marked by love, kindness, and compassion in their places of work or activity, and in their relationships.

As we read Colossians 3:15-24, we find that while the social conditions aren’t the same that most of us find today, the principles that flow from it are as applicable now as much as then. 

Commitment to Jesus as Lord is to be worked out in daily life, in relationship with others, and bound up in our service of Jesus himself.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord

Colossians 3:17

Paul knew that whatever early Christians were doing in worship, in work, indeed, in all of life, could be significant to God. What made the difference was doing all these things as working for the Lord. Today’s situations may be different, but that commitment to Jesus as Lord remains the same.