Milly shares her thought for the week; SNUGGLE.
Isn’t it absolutely awesome that the first thing Adam would have seen after his creation was his daddy-gods face? His first experience on earth was an encounter with God, God’s presence, his voice, his love. And we see that daddy-god went on walks with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden in the call of the evening. Notice that Eden means pleasure, delight. It is God’s desire to have intimacy with us. It gives him immense pleasure. We are his sons and daughters.
At Jesus’ baptism, his heavenly Father referred to him as my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And that was before Jesus performed a single miracle. Daddy-god is saying the same about each one of you today because of the blood of Jesus.
You do not need to perform for him to be pleased with you. You are his beloved even when you mess up. He rejoices over you with singing. All the love, the power, the grace of heaven are behind you. It isn’t what you do that makes you who you are. No, it is who you are, son or daughter of the King that makes you do what you do. So, as we start a new year, may we always take some time to snuggle up to daddy-god rather than struggle, to nestle rather than wrestle.
It is as we abide in him that we bear much fruit. It is from that place of intimacy and encounter that Holy Spirit anointing comes which enables us to become all he’s calling us to be. It enables us to transform as fairs of influence and beyond in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Happy New Year, everyone!
Every week one of our members shares a short thought aiming to inspire you for the week. You can watch previous Thought For The Week videos by clicking here.